Precolumbian Art - South America

South America includes Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina

In pre-Columbian Colombia, the principal archaeological cultural phases are Calima, Sinu, Chibcha, Quimbaya, San Agustin, Tairona, Cauca, Nariño, Muisca, Tumaco, and Inca.

In Pre-Columbian Ecuador, the principal archaeological cultural phases include Las Vegas, Valdivia, Machalilla, Cotocollao, Chorrera, Narrio, La Tolita, Guangala, Jamacoaque, Jambeli, Capuli, Bahia, Puruha, Cuasmal, Manteno, Huancavilca, Milagro – Quevedo, Atacames, Canari, and Inca.

In Pre-Columbian Peru, the principal archaeological cultural phases are Chavin, Huari/Wari, Paracas, Vicus, Recuay, Nazca, Salinar, Mochica/Moche, Tiahuanaco/Tiwanaku, Chimu, Ica, Chancay, and Inca.

In Pre-Columbian Bolivia, the principal archaeological cultural phases are Chiripa, Yaya-Mama, Tiahuanaco/Tiwanaku, Huari/Wari, Moxos, and Inca.

In pre-Columbian Argentina, the principal archaeological cultural phase is Condorhuasi-Alamito.

Island Of La Plata Bahia Stones

These are enigmatic stone artifacts from La Plata Island, Ecuador -Bahia Phase. They are perforated rectangular blocks and feature a multitude of engraved

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Published Manteño Parakeet Shell Mortar

An excellent Manteño shell mortar in the shape of a parakeet. This adorable miniature mortar was de-accessioned from the collection of the Mint Museum...

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Manteño Seated Figure Incensario

An attractive and sizeable ceramic incensario. A broad shouldered naked male seated in a frontal pose on a stool with a stepped base. Facial features are...

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Ecuadorian Manteño Vessel Jar

An anthropomorphic jar with gradual step increase to lower bulbous body. Well-detailed sculpted face - punched out from the interior. The facial expression...

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Ecuadorian Standing Incensario

An Ecuadorian Standing Incensario is a ceremonial artifact that depicts a nude male figure perched on a stepped base. The figure is wearing a large brim...

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Jamacoaque Copper Nose Ornaments

A rare set of Jamacoaque copper nose ornaments. These items are unique and seldom exhibited. They are made of solid copper and are very heavy. They have an...

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Chone-style Jamacoaque figure

An elegant and naturalistic Chone-style Jamacoaque figurine. This individual sits on his buttocks, knees bent in front. He holds a round poporo (lime pot) in...

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Jamacoaque Rowing Figurines

An extraordinary pair of charming Jamacoaque Rowing figurines. They rarely appear on the open market. Both are poised skillfully in a stand-up paddling position

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Jamacoaque Mask ca. 300 B.C. – 500 A.D.

A rare naturalistic ceramic Jamacoaque mask from ancient Ecuador. They are seldom seen in this form. The vast amounts of Jama masks consist of a state of...

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La Tolita – Tumaco Priest Head

A realistic larger example of a warrior or priest with fine details. Almond eyes, naturalistic nose, and cheeks with coca. Ornate ear spool remains.

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La Tolita – Tumaco Large Parrot

A gorgeous large white Parrot from La Tolita culture, Ecuador. As with most clay pottery from this culture, the detail and realism are always striking.

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Condorhuasi-Alamito Stone Mask

These stone masks, created by the Condorhuasi-Alamito people, hold significant historical and cultural value. They are very distinctive and have an eccentric...

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