Collection of Interesting Pre-columbian Research Papers and News Articles

Below are research papers, news articles, and more that you may find interesting. Please note that these articles will be regularly updated. Some sites like ACADEMIA will require you to log in before they can be accessed. You can also find our SAA Latin American Antiquity Journals helpful to you. Attached is a Comprehensive List of Articles, Reports, & Reviews that are within our sets.

In today’s market, a surge of counterfeit pre-Columbian artifacts, from fanciful to absurd, dominates global auctions and online platforms. Savvy sellers and specific eBay dealers strategically target collectors, presenting supposedly authentic pieces at meager prices and brushing off concerns about obvious fakery with vague references to differing opinions. This influx of counterfeit artifacts, appealing to bargain-seeking collectors, raises significant concerns about authenticity. Whether it’s a jade Olmec figure, Maya stone, Chimú pottery, or other items, buyers may, unfortunately, discover that their acquisitions lack genuine historical value when it’s time to sell.
Many professionals have now determined that eBay facilitates and sells about 95% fake pieces of antiquity. – Buyer beware.

Forging Ahead – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love eBay – Archaeology Magazine Archive

Pre-Columbian art — A new collector’s guide. Christie’s Pre-Columbian art specialist Fatma Turkkan-Wille offers an expert overview of the category, and offers advice to first-time buyers – Christies

Faking pre-Columbian artifacts. Catherine Sease – AIC

Problems with American Indian Artifacts. Col. John F. Berner – Ruby Lane Real or Repro

Introducing the Fremont (ASW 29-4) – Archaeology Southwest

Dating BCS Rock Art at the Great Gallery, Canyonlands, Utah. Alan Watchman – Academia

Archaeological Fingerprinting and Fremont Figurines. Bonnie L. Pitblado – Academia

The haunting rock art of Sego Canyon – extra-terrestrials or spiritual visions? – Ancient-Origins

Foundation For The Advancement Of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. – FAMSI

Zapotec Funerary Urns from Mexico. J. Alden Mason – Penn Museum


Real Fake. The Story of a Zapotec Urn. Adam T. Sellen – Academia

It’s All In The Stones: Identifying Early Formative Period Transition
Through the incised Stone Figurines of Valdivia, Ecuador.
David Blower – National Library of Canada

An Archaeometric Characterization of Ecuadorian Pottery
Alejandra Sánchez-Polo, S. Briceño – Springer Nature

Peruvian Featherworks – Met Museum

Personal Effects: Elite Wari Woman in their Attire. Patrycja Przadka-Giersz – Academia

Andean Past 12 2016. Monica Barnes – Academia

Networks of Violence: Bioarchaeological and Spatial Perspectives on Physical, Structural, and Cultural Violence in the Lower Majes Valley, Arequipa, Peru in the Pre- and Early-Wari Eras. Beth Koontz Scaffidi – Academia

Bodies of Evidence: Mortuary Archaeology and the Wari–Tiwanaku Paradox. Antti Korpisaari – Academia

Burial in the Wari and the Tiwanaku Heartlands: Similarities, Differences, and Meanings. Antti Korpisaari – Academia

Wari Inlaid and Metal Ornaments. Susan Bergh – Academia

Pilgrim Flask with Personage on Raft. Milosz Giersz – Academia

Keros con decoración en relieve. Milosz Giersz – Academia

The Wari Phenomenon: In the Tracks of a Pre-Hispanic Empire. Milosz Giersz – Academia

Wari: Lords of the Ancient Andes. Susan Bergh – Academia

Wari Wood Containers and Cups. Susan Bergh – Academia

Imperial Elites and the Symbols of Power (Castillo de Huarmey. El mausoleo imperial Wari)

Krzysztof Makowski – Academia

The Shape of things to come: the genesis of Wari Wak’as. Anita Cook – Academia

Formal and temporal variability in Ayacucho Early Intermediate Period and Middle Horizon funerary practices A view from the site of Ñawinpukyo. Juan Bautista Leoni – Academia

Seventy-three intact burials with carved masks discovered at Pachacámac – Archeowiesci.p

A carved Bone. By Marina L. Sardi – Scicomove

Chavin and the Origins of Andean Civilization. Richard Burger – Academia

Terracotta Figurines from the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacán,
México. Janet Montoya – FAMSI

Exploring the Rich Legacy of Pre-Columbian Art – Reddit

The Techniques and Materials of Pre-Columbian Art – Galeria Contici

How to Determine Cotton Fabric from Camelid Fibers Accurately? – Galeria Contici

Color, iconography, material and technique differences between Chimú and Chancay cultures” by feng li – Academia

Microscopic Clues: Distinguishing Modern and Ancient Tool Marks on Stone Artifacts – Galeria Contici

The Understanding of the Mezcala Stone Figure Grading System – Galeria Contici

Uncovering The Secrets Of Pre-Columbian Stone Artifacts – Galeria Contici

The Formation and Appearance of Patina on Pre-Columbian Artifacts – Galeria Contici

Understanding Patina on Ancient Stone: Factors Influencing Its Presence and Absence – Galeria Contici

Why a Certificate of Authenticity is Essential When Purchasing Artifacts – Galeria Contici

Symbolism & Mythology in Pre-Columbian Art – Galeria Contici

Olmec Green Stone Masks: Symbolism and Ritual Significance – Galeria Contici

Symbolism and Use of Red Pigments in Pre-Columbian Art – Galeria Contici

Ethical Landscape of Pre-Columbian Art: A Dealer’s Perspective – Galeria Contici

Unveiling Ancient Secrets: Pre-Columbian Burials of South America – Galeria Contici

Understanding Manganese Dendrite Formation on Stone and Pottery – Galeria Contici

Fascinating Pre-columbian Mesoamerican Ancient Burial Practices – Galeria Contici

How to Spot Authentic Pre-Columbian Artifacts: Methods, Tricks, and Tests – Galeria Contici

Pre-Columbian Art: Galeria Contici Sells Unique, Genuine Artifacts for Seasoned and Inspired Collectors – LinkedIn

Pre-Columbian Adhesives: Origins and Materials – Galeria Contici

The Pre-Columbian Era: Uncovering The Rich Masterpieces Of Ancient Civilizations – Galeria Contici

Mysterious Olmec Baby Face Figures: An Icon of Ancient Mesoamerica – Galeria Contici

The Taino Purging Stick: A Sacred Tool of Ritual Cleansing – Galeria Contici

The Militarized Maya: Warfare and Rituals in Ancient Mesoamerica – Galeria Contici

Explore comparable antiquities on display at renowned museums to appreciate the history and artistry behind our collection. Museum Collection Portal

Explore the Regional Division of Pre-Columbian Americas’ Major Archaeological Cultural Phases with Dates

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