Precolumbian Art - South America

South America includes Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina

In pre-Columbian Colombia, the principal archaeological cultural phases are Calima, Sinu, Chibcha, Quimbaya, San Agustin, Tairona, Cauca, Nariño, Muisca, Tumaco, and Inca.

In Pre-Columbian Ecuador, the principal archaeological cultural phases include Las Vegas, Valdivia, Machalilla, Cotocollao, Chorrera, Narrio, La Tolita, Guangala, Jamacoaque, Jambeli, Capuli, Bahia, Puruha, Cuasmal, Manteno, Huancavilca, Milagro – Quevedo, Atacames, Canari, and Inca.

In Pre-Columbian Peru, the principal archaeological cultural phases are Chavin, Huari/Wari, Paracas, Vicus, Recuay, Nazca, Salinar, Mochica/Moche, Tiahuanaco/Tiwanaku, Chimu, Ica, Chancay, and Inca.

In Pre-Columbian Bolivia, the principal archaeological cultural phases are Chiripa, Yaya-Mama, Tiahuanaco/Tiwanaku, Huari/Wari, Moxos, and Inca.

In pre-Columbian Argentina, the principal archaeological cultural phase is Condorhuasi-Alamito.

Condorhuasi Globular Vessel

Discover this sizable Condorhuasi globular vessel, categorized as grey horizon pottery, produced during the early period (1 - 500 AD) in the Catamarca and...

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Condorhuasi Figure Vessel

Explore this exquisite Condorhuasi figure vessel, crafted from orange clay with a buff surface and applied paint. This ancient artifact showcases intricate...

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Andean Communication Inca Quipu

Crafted predominantly from cotton, this enigmatic artifact features a primary cord with a 32"/81.28 cm length and 65 pendant cords alternating in segmented...

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Inca Warriors Sling (Huaraca-Waraka)

This unique battle sling was well constructed. It was made of twisted human hair and braided with Llama wool. One could speculate the reason for choosing...

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Inca Warriors Sling (Huaraca/Waraka)

This is a battle sling from the Inca culture c. 1400s. Made of braided Llama wool. The brown and tan colored center cradle/pouch has a slit to secure the stone

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Mochica Seated Bound Prisoner

An extraordinarily expressive wooden Moche III seated bound prisoner. He is uniquely made from a piece of the Aphandra (mastodon palm) tree into a human...

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Chancay Mummy Bundle Mask

An excellent, robust Chancay Mummy Bundle Mask. Made from the Alder tree with uniformly applied gritty red cinnabar. Red is the color of the east, the rising...

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Inca Bronze Axe Blades with Owl Insignia

A set of two large and heavy Inca Bronze Axes with the sacred Owl "Tuco" insignia - Rare Casted bronze with a half-moon-shaped blade.

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Valdivian – Machalilla “Venus” Figurine

A solid Venus figurine from the Machalilla culture, Ecuador. Supersedes in form, the modeled figurines of terminal Valdivian “Venus” types: coffee bean eyes...

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Machalilla Effigy Vessel

The Machalilla culture was an ancient civilization that thrived on the Ecuadorian coast from around 2000 BCE to 800 CE. They are known for their advanced...

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Inca Capacocha Spondylus Miniature Effigy

A charming miniature Capacocha female effigy. They were made from the cherished orange Spondylus shell. They would have been covered in clothing...

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Inca Hunchback Miniature Figurine

Highly deformed nude hunchback figurine in Bronze. His facial features are remarkable-expressive and detailed Capacocha offering. Hunchbacks were seen as...

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