Precolumbian Art - South America

South America includes Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina

In pre-Columbian Colombia, the principal archaeological cultural phases are Calima, Sinu, Chibcha, Quimbaya, San Agustin, Tairona, Cauca, Nariño, Muisca, Tumaco, and Inca.

In Pre-Columbian Ecuador, the principal archaeological cultural phases include Las Vegas, Valdivia, Machalilla, Cotocollao, Chorrera, Narrio, La Tolita, Guangala, Jamacoaque, Jambeli, Capuli, Bahia, Puruha, Cuasmal, Manteno, Huancavilca, Milagro – Quevedo, Atacames, Canari, and Inca.

In Pre-Columbian Peru, the principal archaeological cultural phases are Chavin, Huari/Wari, Paracas, Vicus, Recuay, Nazca, Salinar, Mochica/Moche, Tiahuanaco/Tiwanaku, Chimu, Ica, Chancay, and Inca.

In Pre-Columbian Bolivia, the principal archaeological cultural phases are Chiripa, Yaya-Mama, Tiahuanaco/Tiwanaku, Huari/Wari, Moxos, and Inca.

In pre-Columbian Argentina, the principal archaeological cultural phase is Condorhuasi-Alamito.

Within this expanse of South American history, visitors will find a fascinating display of Pre-Columbian artistry. The collection will feature pottery that showcases intricate designs and practical forms, stone artifacts carved with symbolic meanings and used for ceremonial or everyday purposes, metal implements, and wooden pieces that highlight the craftsmanship and resourcefulness of the ancient inhabitants. Additionally, textile works will be on display, revealing the complex weaving techniques and vibrant patterns that conveyed cultural identity and tradition. This rich array of artifacts aims to immerse viewers in the depth of South America’s cultural heritage, celebrating the artistry and enduring legacy of its ancient civilizations.

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Moche Copper Tumi with Zoomorphic Jaguar Wood Handle

Exceptionally rare Moche copper tumi with original zoomorphic jaguar handle, 200-700 AD. Intact but aged wooden grip and vibrant patina highlight its rarity

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Kawesqar Bone Harpoon Tip – Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia

Rare Kawesqar bone harpoon tip from Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia. Likely from the 18th or 19th century, this 6.75” artifact reflects the seafaring traditions

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Aymara “Tinka” Ceremonial Marriage Bowl

Aymara Tinka ceremonial marriage chicha drinking bowl with yoked animals, symbolizing unity and reciprocity. Excellent provenance, and ties to Andean rituals.

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Exceptional Large Quimbaya Clay Spindle Whorls

Discover nine large Quimbaya clay spindle whorls from 1000-1400 A.D., featuring intricate designs and historical significance.

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Inca Tumi, Peru, ca. 1400-1500 AD – Copper Knife, Llama

Explore this large Inca copper tumi, dating from ca. 1400-1500 AD, with a llama finial and rich patina. It is an authentic pre-Columbian artifact embodying Inca

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A Fine Jamacoaque Sitting Figure

Jamacoaque hollow terracotta figure, Ecuador, 500 BC - 500 AD. Seated on buttocks, holding manioc tubers, wearing a helmet with a horn-like point and a labret.

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Painted Stone Tablet c. 3800 – 2200 BP

This gray volcanic stone is painted monochrome red in the Antimpampa style. The prominent motifs are anthropomorphous and zoomorphic figures.

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Chancay Crocodilian Vessel

It is a gorgeous Chancay vessel of substantial size. Black-on-white paint patterns throughout the front, back, neck, and looped handles. Solid zigzag nested...

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Chancay Female Cuchimilco

A large Chancay Cuchimilco Female Figure is a notable piece of pre-Columbian art. This creation is of hollowed ceramic earthenware, and the body form and iron

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Pair of Chancay Cuchimilco Figures

For your consideration, here is an excellent opportunity to acquire a rare pair of small Chancay clay figurines called "Cuchimilcos" or "Star Gazers." These...

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Chancay Jaguar Vessel c. 900-1400 A.D.

This lovely Chancay jaguar vessel exemplifies the artistry and symbolism characteristic of the Chancay culture, which thrived on the central coast of Peru...

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Large Chancay Wooden Scepter

A hansom and large Chancay wooden scepter/staff. Made from light wood (Alder tree) that measures 21" in length. Iconic homogeneous face finial.

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