This Maya stone mask presents an intriguing portrayal of a male figure, likely depicting Kʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal, the renowned Mayan ruler. The finely sculpted...
More Info / InquireThe Taino purging stick, also known as the spatula, vomitivo, or vomit stick, was a significant tool in spiritual cleansing rituals. Carved from materials like
More Info / InquireA remarkable were-jaguar artifact from the Olmec civilization is a Nephrite dark green jade pendant from the Middle Pre-classic Period, dating between 900-600
More Info / InquireExplore this exquisite Aztec stone figure of Toci. This finely sculpted votive piece captures Toci in an unusual standing position. The details of her intricate
More Info / InquireA collection of 72 back issues of Latin American Antiquity, a quarterly scholarly publication from the Society for American Archaeology. This comprehensive set
More Info / InquireAn exceedingly rare unfired buff clay figure from the Fremont Culture. They are a prehistoric Native American culture that inhabited what is now the west...
More Info / InquireThis exquisite weathered were-jaguar Olmec mask, carved from a stunning oatmeal green, white jadeite stone, is a masterpiece of artistry. This Olmec stone mask
More Info / InquireThis exceptional full maskette, measuring 4.1" W x 5.3" H, showcases additional features like lengthy ear flaps and an impressed striation on the top of the...
More Info / InquireAn exceedingly rare unfired buff clay figurine from the Fremont Culture. They are a prehistoric Native American culture that inhabited what is now the western
More Info / InquireThis gray volcanic stone is painted monochrome red in the Antimpampa style. The prominent motifs are anthropomorphous and zoomorphic figures.
More Info / InquireIt is a gorgeous Chancay vessel of substantial size. Black-on-white paint patterns throughout the front, back, neck, and looped handles. Solid zigzag nested...
More Info / InquireThis vessel is a Caddo culture Long-necked Belcher engraved bottle. It is thin-walled with a globular body separated by an angular flat bottom. The long neck...
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