Procured Items

This page is dedicated to the Pre-Columbian artifacts and historical items that have found new homes with collectors and enthusiasts. Each sold piece represents a unique chapter in the history of ancient civilizations, showcasing the ingenuity, artistry, and cultural traditions of societies across the Americas.

From stone carvings with intricate symbolic meanings to pottery vessels used in rituals or daily life, these artifacts embody the extraordinary craftsmanship and spiritual depth of ancient peoples. Items from regions such as Mesoamerica, South America, Lower Central America, and the Caribbean have been treasured by their new owners, connecting them to the enduring legacies of these civilizations.

This collection also includes rare books, which provide valuable historical insights and context for appreciating the artistry and heritage of Pre-Columbian societies. Each sale reflects a shared passion for preserving and honoring the cultural achievements of the Americas’ ancient civilizations.

We invite you to explore our current offerings and continue the journey of discovering these remarkable artifacts and their stories.

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Chupicuaro VesselChupicuaro Vessel
Chorrera Incised HeadrestChorrera Incised Headrest
Chorrera FigureChorrera Figure
Chorrera BellyChorrera Belly
Chone JamacoaqueChone Jamacoaque
Chimu ScaleChimu Scale
Chimu LoomChimu Loom
Chancay CuchimilcoChancay Cuchimilco
Chancay DollChancay Doll
Assorted Moche FiguresAssorted Moche Figures
Valdivian PlaqueValdivian Plaque
La Tolita Tumaco Torso DignitaryLa Tolita Tumaco Torso Dignitary
Chone Style Jamacoaque WarriorChone Style Jamacoaque Warrior
Bahia de Caraquez FigurineBahia de Caraquez Figurine
Pre-Mayan Bone Mask PendantPre-Mayan Bone Mask Pendant

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