The Copper of Ancient Peru

The Copper of Ancient Peru
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The Copper of Ancient Peru
The Copper of Ancient Peru
The Copper of Ancient Peru
The Copper of Ancient Peru
The Copper of Ancient Peru
The Copper of Ancient Peru
The Copper of Ancient Peru
The Copper of Ancient Peru

Product and Description of the

Copper of Ancient Peru Book


A comprehensive source on pre-Columbian Peruvian copper. Specialists and collectors highly seek after them.

Oversized hardcover 9.5” by 12” coffee table book. It offers a brilliant display of objects chosen from premiere collections by well-established authors to be artistic and informative, as well as representative of copper’s critical place in Peruvian history. The work illustrates the sophisticated techniques and rich symbolism of the pre-Columbian Peruvian copper in a beautiful hardbound volume with exquisite photography. Excellent material analysts on Copper but also includes Gold and Silver.

Paloma Carcedo Muro; José Antonio de Lavalle Vargas; Rosario de Lavalle de Cárdenas

This is an oversized heavy book in excellent condition.

Five hundred ninety-six pp.; 207 color plates, interior glossary paper coating, index, Biblio. Text in Spanish and English. 1998. Cloth 23×30.5 cm.

Depicted on the dust jacket is the most feared Moche deity named Decapitator God—Mylar protector.

Note: We were fortunate to have acquired two unique pieces published in this book: Moche “Ai Apaec” Tumi and Moche “Symbolic Erotic Scene” Tumi.

Moche “Ai Apaec” Tumi can also be seen here.



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