Current Gallery Offerings

1562 Gutierrez & Cook
c. 1562 Americae Sive Quartae Orbis Partis Nova Et Exactissima Descriptio by Diego Gutierrez and Hieronymus Cook

The Americas, a vast and diverse region, are home to an extraordinary array of ancient cultures that flourished long before European contact. The artifacts from these civilizations reflect the ingenuity, beliefs, and artistic expressions of societies spanning North America, Mesoamerica, Lower Central America, the Caribbean, and South America.

Our collection features a comprehensive selection of authentic pre-Columbian artifacts, carefully curated to represent the artistic and cultural diversity of these regions. From stone carvings that reveal intricate ceremonial purposes to pottery vessels showcasing both practicality and artistic elegance, each piece connects us to the profound traditions and daily lives of ancient civilizations.

In addition to these exceptional artifacts, we offer a selection of books that delve into the rich history and cultural significance of Pre-Columbian societies. These publications provide invaluable context, enriching your understanding of the artifacts and the people who created them.

This diverse collection invites visitors to explore the remarkable legacy of the Americas’ ancient cultures, offering a unique opportunity to connect with their enduring heritage. Whether you’re an avid collector, a history enthusiast, or simply curious, this exhibit serves as a gateway to the fascinating world of pre-Columbian art and history. Welcome!

Note: Items are not to scale.

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