Mezcala Guerrero Hunchback Stone Pendant

Mezcala Guerrero Hunchback Stone Pendant
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Mezcala Guerrero Hunchback Stone Pendant
Mezcala Guerrero Hunchback Stone Pendant
Mezcala Guerrero Hunchback Stone Pendant
Mezcala Guerrero Hunchback Stone Pendant
Mezcala Guerrero Hunchback Stone Pendant
Mezcala Guerrero Hunchback Stone Pendant
Mezcala Guerrero Hunchback Stone Pendant
Mezcala Guerrero Hunchback Stone Pendant

Intricate Details and Artistic Narrative of this

Mezcala Stone Pendant


Mezcala Guerrero Stone Hunchback/Warrior Figurine Pendant. Carved in high relief. Linear incising for all features. Hands come up to upper chest from sides. Humpbacked. Legs semi bent. There is a vertical hole in the back of the head for suspension—pale green with small deposits. There is old label residue on the back. H. 2” tall. No chips and in choice condition. Mexico, Guerrero region, Mezcala, ca. 500 to 100 BC.

Note: The last image is a magnified view of the perforation hole from the top of the head.

Precolumbian Mezcala semiabstract stone faces represent intricately carved artifacts from the Mezcala culture, distinguished by a distinctive artistic idiom. Characterized by a fusion of realism and creative interpretation, these stone figures intricately capture facial features in a stylized manner. Emblematic of the Mezcala civilization’s ritualistic milieu, these artifacts are a testament to this ancient Mesoamerican society’s cultural and artistic proclivities, whose cultural zenith extended from approximately 700 B.C. to 200 A.D.

Price – Sold


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