An Exquisite Taino Bone Purging Stick

An Exquisite Taino Bone Purging Stick
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An Exquisite Taino Bone Purging Stick
An Exquisite Taino Bone Purging Stick
An Exquisite Taino Bone Purging Stick
An Exquisite Taino Bone Purging Stick
An Exquisite Taino Bone Purging Stick

Intricate Details and Artistic Narrative of this

Taino Purging Stick


The Taino purging stick, also known as the spatula, vomitivo, or vomit stick, was a significant tool in spiritual cleansing rituals. Carved from materials like bone, wood, or shell, it was used to induce vomiting, symbolizing the expulsion of impurities before sacred ceremonies, particularly the ritual. This ritual involved inhaling a hallucinogenic substance to communicate with the gods or zemi and was led by the cacique (chief) and spiritual leaders called behiques.

The behiques would use the purging stick for physical and spiritual purification, preparing themselves for divine guidance that would benefit their community. The stick, often elaborately decorated with carvings of zemi figures, further emphasizes its spiritual importance. Found in archaeological sites, these purging sticks offer profound insight into the Taino’s deeply rooted belief in the necessity of purification before communion with the divine.

The purging stick, a crucial part of Taino religious life, represents the balance between the physical and spiritual worlds. It played an essential role in preparing leaders as intermediaries between the people and the gods, symbolizing power and spirituality in Taino culture.

This superb vomit stick is attenuated and tapering at the tip. Possibly made from Manatee bone. Boldly carved with the highly stylized crocodile with almond-shaped eyes. Incised symbolic motifs along the carved spatula. Measures 12.5 in Length (31.75 cm.) Extraordinary size. Dominican Republic 1000-1500 AD.

Provenance: Private Georgia Collection. Acquired by way of inheritance in the 1970s

Price: POR


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