A Bibliography of Soviet Studies of the Ancient Cultures of Latin America.
Archaeological Research at the Lowland Maya Site of Rio Azul.
The Moche Revolt of the Objects.
Settlement History and the Classic Collapse at Copan: A Redefined Chronological Perspective.
La Pintura Occidental de Felino Cerro Sechin: Es Original o Falsa?
Some Formal Correspondences Between the Imperial Architecture of the Wari and Chimu Cultures of Ancient Peru.
The Productivity of Maguey Terrace Agriculture in Central Mexico During the Aztec Period.
Restos Humanos Asociados a la Piramide de Akapana (Tiwanaku, Bolivia).
Differential Bone-Refuse Accumulation in Food-Preparation and Traffic Areas on an Early Ecuadorian House Floor.
Ancient and Modern Maya Exploitation of the Jute Snail (Pachychilus).
Cultivation Intensity and Residential Site Structure: An Ethnoarchaeological Examination of Peasant Agriculture in the Sierra de los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico.
At the Margins of the Monte Alban State: Settlement Patterns in the Ejutla Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico.
The Sacred Cacao Groves of the Maya.
The Fall of Chichen Itza: A Preliminary Hypothesis.
The Misidentification of Mesoamerican Lithic Workshops.
The Preceramic Period Site of Paloma, Peru: Bioindications of Improving Adaptation to Sedentism.
Demographic and Architectural Retrodiction: An Ethnoarchaeological Case Study in the South American Tropical Lowlands.
El Comercio Clasico de Obsidiana: Rutas Entre Tierras Altas y Tierras Bajas en el Area Maya.
Pacariqtambo and the Mythical Origin of the Inca.
Cultural Responses to Environmental Catastrophes: Post-El Nino Subsistence on the Prehistoric North Coast of Peru.
Filtration-Gallery Irrigation in the Spanish New World.
High-Precision Trace-Element Characterization of Major Mesoamerican Obsidian Sources and Further Analyses of Artifacts from San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Mexico.
Archaeological Evidence of Rodent Consumption in Central Chile.
The Technology and Organization of Agricultural Production in the Tiwanaku State.
Formative Period Social Change in the Lower Rio Verde Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Architectural Labor Investment and Social Stratification at Sayil, Yucatan, Mexico.
Sociopolitical Developments and Methodological Issues at Copan, Honduras: A Conjunctive Perspective.
Site-Planning and Concepts of Directionality Among the Ancient Maya.
Continuity and Change in Ceremonial Structures at Late Preceramic Asana, Southern Peru.
The Frequency and Antiquity of Prehistoric Coca-Leaf-Chewing Practices in Northern Chile: Radioimmunoassay of a Cocaine Metabolite in Human-Mummy Hair.
Maya Diets of the Rich and Poor: Paleoethnobotanical Evidence from Copan.
Late Postclassic Chronology in Western Morelos, Mexico.
A Crisis of Identity: Late Classic Competition and Interaction on the Southeast Maya Periphery.
A Comparative Evaluation of the Producer-Consumer Model for Lithic Exchange in Northern Belize, Central America.
Middle Preclassic Buildings and Burials at Cuello, Belize: 1990 Investigations.
Dimensional Standardization and Production Scale in Mesoamerican Ceramics.
Obsidian Blades from La Blanca, A Changing Lithic Industry on the South Coast of Guatemala.
Large-Site Archaeological Methods at Sayil, Yucatan, Mexico: Investigating Community Organization at a Prehispanic Maya Center.
The Interpretation of Survey Data: Two Case Studies from the Maya Area.
Early Coastal Subsistence Patterns in Central Chile: A Systematic Study of the Marine-Invertebrate Fauna from the Site of Curaumilla-1.
Analisis Quimico de Pisos de Ocupacion: Un Caso Etnografico en Tlaxcala, Mexico.
Ritual Pathways of the Inca: An Analysis of the Collasuyu Ceques in Cuzco.
Archaism or Tradition?: The Decapitation Theme in Cupisnique and Moche Iconography.
Obsidian-Artifact Source Analysis for the Mixtequilla Region, South-Central Veracruz, Mexico.
Ritual Pathways of the Inca: An Analysis of the Collasuyu Ceques in Cuzco.
Archaism or Tradition?: The Decapitation Theme in Cupisnique and Moche Iconography.
Obsidian-Artifact Source Analysis for the Mixtequilla Region, South-Central Veracruz, Mexico.
The Tuxtla Script: Steps Toward Decipherment Based on La Mojarra Stela 1.
Mortuary Practices and the Social Order at La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Textiles and Ethnicity: Tiwanaku in San Pedro de Atacama, North Chile.
The Stone Ancestors: Idioms of Imperial Attire and Rank Among Huari Figurines.
The Business of Narrative at Tula: An Analysis of the Vestibule Frieze, Trade, and Ritual.
Tiwanaku Temples and State Expansion: A Tiwanaku Sunken-Court Temple in Moquegua, Peru.
Tecoh, Izamal: Nobleza indigena y conquista espanola.
Locating Maya Lowlands Spanish Colonial Towns: A Case Study from Belize.
A Dresden Codex Eclipse Sequence: Projections for the Years 1970-1992.
Worldview Materialized in Teotihuacan, Mexico.
Black-on-Orange Ceramic Production in the Aztec Empire’s Heartland.
Testing the Producer-Consumer Model for Santa Rita Corozal, Belize.
Arqueologia del Bajo Patia, fases y correlaciones en la costa pacifica de Colombia y Ecuador
Women, Rituals, and Social Dynamics at Ancient Chalcatzingo.
El Personaje del pie amputado en la cultura mochica del Peru: Un ensayo sober la arqueologica del poder.
Late Pre-Inkaic Ethnic Groups in Highland Peru: An Archaeological-Ethnohistorical Model of the Political Geography of the Cajamarca Region.
A Cache of 48 Nasca Trophy Heads from Cerro Carapo, Peru.
The Obsidian Hydration Dating Project at Copan: A Regional Approach and Why It Works.
The Function of Small Rockshelters in the Magallanes IV Phase Settlement System (South Patagonia).
Los lobos marinoss como recurso para cazadores-recolectores marinos: El caso de Tierra del Fuego.
Tecnologia y funcion de las puntas de Paijan: El aporte de la experimentacion.
The Tronadora Complex: Early Formative Ceramics in Northwestern Costa Rica.
Formation Processes of Large Earthen Residential Mounds in La Mixtequila, Veracruz, Mexico.
Soil Erosion, Slope Management, and Ancient Terracing in the Maya Lowlands.
Formative-Period Architecture at the Site of Yarumela, Central Honduras.
Reconstruction multidisciplinaria de la ocupacion prehistorica de Quereo, centro de Chile.
Drained Fields at La Tigra, Venezuelan Llanos: A Regional Perspective.
Arqueologia de la cuenca del Qaracha, Ayacucho, Peru.
Archaeology and Archaeoastronomy of Mount Tlaloc, Mexico: A Reconsideration.
Flakes to Blades? Middle Formative Development of Obsidian Artifacts in the Upper Belize River Valley.
Stature Change in Prehistoric May of the Southern Lowlands.
A Late Archaic Period Burial from the South-Central Andean Coast.
An Initial Consideration of Obsidian Procurement and Exchange in Prehispanic Ecuador.
Ecuadorian Obsidian Sources Used for Artifact Production and Methods for Provenience Assignments.
Demografia en la zona puuc: El recurso del metodo.
The Hydraulic Hypothesis Revisited: Lake Titicaca Basin Raised Fields in Theoretical Perspective.
A Ceramic Compositional Perspective on the Formative to Classic Transistion in Southen Mesoamerica.
Paracas in Nazca: New Data on the Early Horizon Occupation of the Rio Grande de Nazca Drainage, Peru.
Exchange Implications of Obsidian Source Analysis from the Lower Rio Verde Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Land Evaluation and Ancient Maya Land Use in the Upper Belize River Area, Belize, Central America.
Chinchorro Bioarchaeology: Chronology and Mummy Seriation.
New Chronometric Dates for the Puquios of Nasca, Peru.
Marine Shell Bead Production and the Role of Domestic Craft Activities in the Economy of the Guangala Phase, Southwest Ecuador.
Water and Land in the Ancient Maya Community of La Milpa.
The Long Goodbye: Middle Preclassic Maya Archaeology at Cuello, Belize.
Microwear Analysis in the Southeast Maya Lowlands: Two Case Studies at Copan, Honduras.
Artificial Cranial Deformation in the Omo M10 Site: A Tiwanaku Complex from the Moquegua Valley, Peru.
The Archaeology of Dual Organization in Andean South America: A Theoretical Review and Case Study.
A Model of Fluctuating Labor Value and the Establishment of State Power: An Application to the Prehispanic Maya.
Underwater Archaeology, Salt Production, and Coastal Maya Trade at Stingray Lagoon, Belize.
The Puquios of Nasca
The Structural Paradox: Moche Culture as Political Ideology.
An I-Shaped Ball-Court at Pampa de Las Llamas-Moxeke, Peru.
Glimpses of the Supernatural: Altered States of Consciousness and the Graffiti of Tikal, Guatemala
Calakmul: New Data from an Ancient Maya Capital in Campeche, Mexico
Huaca de los Reyes Revisited: Clarification of the Archaeological Evidence
House of the Sun: The Inka Temple of Vilcanota
A Dresden Codex Mars Table?
Building J. at Monte Albán: A Correction and Reassessment of the Astronomical Hypothesis
Inka Storage Systems, edited by Terry Y. LeVine
Arqueología de cazadores-recolectores: l¡mites, casos y aperturas, compiled by Jose Luis Lanata and Luis Alberto Borrero
Inca Cosmology and the Human Body, by Constance Classen
Praehistoria No. 1, by Revista del Programa de Estudios Prehistóricos (Argentina)
Ancient South America, by Karen Olsen Bruhns
Regional Archaeology in Northern Manabí, Ecuador, Volume 1: Environment, Cultural Chronology, and Prehistoric Subsistence in the Jama River Valley
Maya History
The Drawings of Sahagún’s Primeros Memoriales Structure and Style
Culture and Contact: Charles C. DiPeso’s Gran Chichimeca
El Proyecto Michoacán 1983-1987: medio ambiente e introducción a los trabajos arqueológicos
Trace-element Analysis of Obsidian Sources and Artifacts of Central Chile (Maule River Basin) and Western Argentina (Colorado River)
Commodity or Gift: Teotihuacán Obsidian in the Maya Region
Mid-Holocene Cultural Interaction between the North Coast of Peru and Ecuador
A Mathematical Projection of Population Growth in the Copan Valley, Honduras, A.D. 400-800
Maya Multiples: Individuals, Entries, and Tombs in Structure A34 of Caracol, Belize
Royal Tombs of Sipán
Pampa Grande and the Mochica Culture
Un sitio de Guangala Temprano en el suroeste del Ecuador
Archaeology, Volcanism, and Remote Sensing in the Arenal Region, Costa Rica, edited by Payson D. Sheets and Brian R. McKee Mountains of Fire, Lands that Shake: Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions in the Historic Past of Central America (1505-1899)
Early Formative Pottery of the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico
Mixteca-Puebla: Discoveries and Research in Mesoamerican Art and Archaeology
Arqueología del occidente de México: nuevas aportaciones
The Politics of Symbolism in the Mixtec Codices
The Indian in Spanish America: Centuries of Removal, Survival, and Integration. A Critical Anthology, Volume 1
Book Review Comment: Response to Claude-François Baudez Marilyn Beaudry-Corbett and John S. Henderson
Ancient Metallurgy in the Atacama: Evidence for Copper Smelting during Chile’s Early Ceramic Period
Ideology, Chiefly Power, and Material Culture: An Example from the Greater Antilles
Symbolic Sweatbaths of the Maya: Architectural Meaning in the Cross Group at Palenque, Mexico
Shamanic Journeys into the Otherworld of the Archaeic Chichimec
Tribal and Chiefly Warfare in South American
Tombs for the Living: Andean Mortuary Practices
Arte e historia de Perú antiguo, by Duccio Bonavia
Archaeological Research at Tumatumani, Juli, Peru
Maya Sculpture of Copán: The Iconography
The Highlands of the Lowlands: Environment and Archaeology in the Stann Creek District, Belize, Central America
How the Maya Built Their World
Maya Maritime Trade, Settlement, and Populations on Ambergris Caye, Belize
Rabinal Achi: Un drame dynastique maya de quinzième siècle
Demography and Empire, A Guide to the Population History of Spanish Central America, 1500-1821
Andes: Radiocarbon Database for Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru
Equity Issues for Women in Archeology
Tiwanaku Settlement System: The Integration of Nested Hierarchies in the Lower Tiwanaky Valley
Sociopolitical Implications of a New Emblem Glyph and Place Name in Classic Maya Inscriptions
Corporate Groups and Domestic Activities at Teotihuacan
Foodstuffs, Forests, Fields, and Shelter: A Paleoethnobotanical Analysis of Vessel Contents from the Cerén Site, El Salvador
Ceramic Seriation and Site Reoccupation in Lowland South America
Pumpu: Centro administrativo inka de la puna de Junín
Historia general del Perú
Las Chacras de Coporaque: Andenería y riego en el Valley del Colca
Armas y herramientas de metal prehispánicas en Bolivia
The Artifacts of Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico: Shell, Polished Stone, Bone, Wood, and Ceramics
Ceramics and Artifacts from Excavations in the Copan Residential Zone
Central-Place Analyses in the La Entrada Region, Honduras: Implications for Understanding the Classic Maya Political and Economic Systems
The Thorny Oyster and the Origins of Empire: Implications of Recently Uncovered Spondylus Imagery from Chan Chan, Peru
Ventilated Hearth Structures in the Casma Valley, Peru
Early Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands
Traces Behind the Esmeraldas Shore: Prehistory of the Santiago-Cayapas Region, Ecuador
Creations of the Rainbow Serpent: Polychrome Ceramic Designs from Ancient Panama
Die Architektur der Sepulturas-Region Von Copán in Honduras
Settlement and Politics in Three Classic Maya Polities
Mortuary Practices and Skeletal Remains at Teotihuacán
Las canteras de Mitla, Oaxaca: tecnología para la arquitectura monumental
Of Royal Mantles and Blue Turquoise: The Meaning of the Mexica Emperor’s Mantle
An Ancient Maya Reservoir and Dam at Tamarindito, El Petén, Guatemala
A Chimu-Inka Ceramic-Manufacturing Center from the North Coast of Peru
Excavaciones arqueológicas en el sitio Cueva Tixi, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Biconical God Figurines from Cholula and the Codex Borgia
Transport Costs, Consumer Demand, and Patterns of Intraregional Exchange: A Perspective on Commodity Production and Distribution from Northern Belize
In Joanne Pillsbury’s article, “The Thorny Oyster and the Origins of Empire: Implications of Recently Uncovered Spondylus Imagery from Chan Chan, Peru” (Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 313-340), three lines of text were inadvertently repeated at the beginning of page 332, and three lines were dropped at the end of the page while the issue was in production at the printer. Page 332 should begin
Los Buceadores relief, shows a repeated…
and end with the following (incorporating the last line of that page)
…is not an argument for a strictly materialist explanation for the Los Buceadores relief: undoubtedly, there are various layers and interpretations of the imagery. Few, if any, inhabitants of Chan Chan [go to top of page 333]
The editors apologize for this oversight.
Domestic Life and Vertical Integration in the Tiwanaku Heartland
The Narrative Approach to Moche Iconography
Temprana complejidad funeraria de la cultural chinchorro (norte de Chile)
In the Realm of 8 Deer: The Archaeology of the Mixtec CodicesTwin City Tales: A Hermeneutical Reassessment of Tula and Chichén Itzá
At the Edge of the World: Caves and Late Classic Maya World View
Jalieza, Oaxaca: Activity Specialization at a Hilltop Center
Economies and Polities in the Aztec Realm
Zapotec Civilization: How Urban Society Evolved in Mexico’s Oaxaca Valley
Brutality and Benevolence: Human Ethology, Culture, and the Birth of Mexico
Chavín de Huántar. Excavaciones en la Galería de las Ofrendas
Moche: Propuestas y Perspectivas
Beyond Death. The Chinchorro Mummies of Ancient Chile
The Incas
Historical Archaeology in Latin America, 5 vols
Nonmarket Imperialism in the Prehispanic Americas: The Inka Occupation of the Titicaca Basin
Early Formative Platforms at Paso de la Amada, Chiapas, Mexico
Classic to Postclassic at Ek Balam, Yucatán: Architectural and Ceramic Evidence for Defining the Transition
Inka-Style Ceramics and Their Chronological Relationship to the Inka Expansion in the Southern Lake Titicaca Area (Bolivia)
Aztec Imperial Strategies
The Managed Mosaic: Ancient Maya Agriculture and Resource Use
Images from the Underworld: Naj Tunich and the Tradition of Maya Cave Painting
Paths to Central American Prehistory
Pyramids of Tucume: The Quest for Peru’s Forgotten City
Architecture and Power in the Ancient Andes: The Archaeology of Public Buildings
Limatambo: Archaeology, History and the Regional Societies of Inca Cusco
Astronomy and Empire in the Ancient Andes
Tiwanaku and Its Hinterland: Archaeology and Paleoecology of an Andean Civilization. Volume 1: Agroecology
The Aztecs
Caciques and Their People: A Volume in Honor of Ronald Spores
Secrets in Stone: Yokes, Hachas and Palmas from Southern Mesoamerica
Art of the Andes: From Chavín to Inca
Cultural Transformation at the Maya Postclassic Community of Laguna de On, Belize
Rebuilding the State in Highland Peru: Herder-Cultivator Interaction during the Late Intermediate Period in the Tarama-Chinchaycocha Region
Reconsidering the Ocampo Caves and the Era of Incipient Cultivation in Mesoamerica
The Function of Niched Halls in Wari Architecture
More on the Mars Table in the Dresden Codex
People with Cloth: Mesoamerican Economic Change from the Perspective of Cotton in South-Central Veracruz
Urbanism and Early State Formation in the Huamelulpan Valley of Southern Mexico
The Function of Niched Halls in Wari Architecture
Bones of the Maya: Studies of Ancient Skeletons
The Moche
Tawantinsuyu: An International Journal of Inka Studies, vols. 1 and 2
Prehispanic Causeways and Regional Politics in the Llanos of Barinas, Venezuela
Gliptodontes y Cazadores-Recolectores de la Region Pampeana (Argentina)
Ecology and Ritual: Water Management and the Maya
Integration of Archaeological Phase Information and Radiocarbon Results from the Jama River Valley, Ecuador: A Bayesian Approach
The Indigenous People of the Caribbean
Olmec to Aztec: Settlement Patterns in the Ancient Gulf Lowlands
Edzná: una ciudad prehispánica de Campeche/Edzná: A Pre-Columbian City in Campeche
Mummies and Mortuary Monuments: A Postprocessual Prehistory of Central Andean Social Organization
Cantona: Urbe Prehispanica en el Altiplano Central de Mexico
Mortuary Practices, Social Development, and Ideology in Precolumbian Puerto Rico
The Sanctuary of Titicaca: Where the Sun Returns to Earth
Clay Sources, Pottery Production, and Regional Economy in Chalchihuites, Mexico, A.D. 200-900
Art and Archaeology of Precolumbian Cuba
Daily Life in Maya Civilization
The Excavations at Corozal, Venezuela: Stratigraphy and Ceramic Seriation
Archaeological Survey in the Juli-Desaguadero Region of Lake Titicaca Basin, Southern Peru
Arqueología en el Uruguay: 120 años después
Preclassic Household Patterns Preserved Under Volcanic Ash at Tetimpa, Puebla, Mexico
Extending the Calakmul Dynasty Back in Time: A New Stela from a Maya Capital in Campeche, Mexico
Las tumbas de tiro de El Piñon, en el Cañon de Bolaños, Jalisco, México
Preceramic Connections between Yucatán and the Caribbean
Interpreting Intrasource Variation in the Composition of Obsidian: The Geoarchaeology of San Martín Jilotepeque, Guatemala
Teotihuacan: An Experiment in Living
Archaeology of the Cañada de Cuicatlan, Oaxaca
Recent Advances in the Archaeology of the Northern Andes
Contextos funerarios de Ancón: esbozo de una síntesis analítica
The Ring Villages of Central Brazil: A Challenge for Amazonian Archaeology
New Approaches to Ceramic Use and Discard: Cooking Pottery from the Peruvian Andes in Ethnoarchaeological Perspective
New Evidence on Jaguar Paw, a Ruler from Calakmul
Modified Human Skulls from the Urban Sector of the Pyramids of Moche, Northern Peru
Determining the Function of One of the New World’s Earliest Pottery Assemblages: The Case of San Jacinto, Columbia
Styles and State Formations
Ancient West Mexico: Art and Archaeology of the Unknown Past
Daily Life of the Aztecs: People of the Sun and Earth
Pottery Ethnoarchaeology in the Centril Maya Highlands
La Perspectiva Espacial en Arqueología
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic
Craft and Local Power: Embedded Specialization in Tiwanaku Cities
Excavations of Aztec Urban Houses at Yautepec, Mexico
An Aztec Palace at Chiconautla, Mexico
Estudios energéticos de la producción de cal en tiempos teotihuacanos y sus implicaciones
Entierros de Perros descubiertos en la antigua ciudad de Tula
The Archaeology and Pottery of Nazca, Peru: Alfred L. Kroeber’s 1926 Expedition
Actividad Volcánica y Pueblos Precolombinos en el Ecuador
La Muerte en el Antiquo Perú: Contextos y Conceptos Funerarios
Contested Places and Places of Contest: The Evolution of Social Power and Ceremonial Space in Prehistoric Puerto Rico
Polychrome Pottery and Political Strategies in Late and Terminal Classic Lowland Maya Society
Mortuary Patterns of Regional Elites in the Lake Pátzcuaro Basin of Western Mexico
A New Perspective on the Relationships among Cream Paste Ceramic Traditions of Southeastern Mesoamerica
Mexican Obsidian at Tikal, Guatemala
Floods, Famines, and Emperors: El Nino and the Fate of Civilizations
Pre-Columbian Art
The Sowing and the Dawning: Termination, Dedication, and Transformation in the Archaeological and Ethnographic Record of Mesoamerica
In the Shadow of Monte Alban: Politics and Historiography in Postclassic Oaxaca, Mexico
La Escultura de Yaxchilan
Papers on the Madrid Codex
Arqueoictiofauna mexicana
Maya Stone Tools of Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, and Becan and Chicanna, Campeche
The Sacred Landscape of the Inca: The Cusco Ceque System
Prehistoric Stonework in the Peruvian Andes: A Case Study at Ollantaytambo
The Ceramics of Raquira, Colombia: Gender, Work, and Economic Change
Rio Bec, Chenes, and Puuc Styles in Maya Architecture
Entre mitos y fabulas: el Ecuador aborigen
The Spirit of Ancient Peru
Ancient Civilizations of the New World
Heart of Heaven, Heart of Earth, and Other Mayan Folktales
La acropolis de Xochicalco
Style, Technology, and State Production: Inka Pottery Manufacture in the Leche Valley
Village Size and Permanence in Amazonia: Two Archaeological Examples from Brazil
The Pectorals of Altar Q and Structure 11: An Interpretation of the Political Organization at Copán, Honduras
The Ethnoarchaeology of Salt Production at Lake Cuitzeo, Michoacán, Mexico
Form and Function of Bipolar Lithic Artifacts from the Three Dog Site, San Salvador, Bahamas
The Emperor’s Mirror: Understanding Cultures through Primary Sources
The Shape of Inca History: Narrative and Architecture in an Andean Empire
Vorspanische Metallwaffen und -werkzeuge in Peru/Armas y herramientas de metal prehispánicas en Perú
Población, Subsistencia y Medio Ambiente en San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán
Río Azul: An Ancient Maya City
Man Corn: Cannibalism and Violence in the Prehistoric American Southwest
Excavations at the Indian Creek Site, Antigua, West Indies
Warriors of the Clouds: A Lost Civilization in the Upper Amazon of Peru
Investigaciones arqueológicas en el sitio STucTav 5 (El Pichao), Provincia de Tucumán (vol. 2)
Los centros ceremoniales del NOA (vol. 5)
Aproximación al estudio de los patrones de asentamiento en el Valle de Ambato (Prov. de Catamarca, Argentina) (vol. 6)
Análisis del material arqueológico de la colección Rosso procedente del Departamento de Ambato, Provincia de Catamarca (vol 7)
A Maya Palace in Mexico—Structure IV at Becan, Campeche
The Aztec and Maya Papermakers
Hach Winik: The Lacandon Maya of Chiapas, Southern Mexico
Comparative Analysis of the Río Balsas and Tehuacán Models for the Origins of Maize
Pottery Production and Microcosmic Organization: The Residential Structure of La Quemada, Zacatecas
Prehistoric Genetic and Culture Change: A Bioarchaeological Search for Pre-Inka Altiplano Colonies in the Coastal Valleys of Moquegua, Peru, and Azapa, Chile
Formative Period Round Structures of the Upper Belize River Valley
Two Perspectives on the Rise of Civilization in Mesoamerica’s Oaxaca Valley
—Ancient Oaxaca: The Monte Albán State
The Native Cultures of the Southern Continent: An Attempted Triangulation
—Indigenous South Americans of the Past and Present: An Ecological Perspective
Dead Giveaways
Maya Conquistador
Mexican Painted Manuscripts in the United Kingdom
The Codex Lopez Ruiz: A Lost Mixtec Pictorial Manuscript
Mesoamerican Architecture as a Cultural Symbol
The Archaeology of Mesoamerica: Mexican and European Perspectives
The Lords of Tikal: Rulers of an Ancient Maya City
Sculpture in the Ancient Maya Plaza: The Early Classic Period
Motagua Colonial: Conquest and Colonization in the Motagua River Valley of Guatemala
Tecnologías Prehispánicas de la obsidiana: Los centros de producción de la región de Zináparo—Prieto, Michoacan
The Origins of Agriculture in the Lowland Neotropics
Corn in Clay: Maize Paleoethnobotany in Pre-Columbian Art
Una Exploracion Arqueologica del Pichincha Occidental, Ecuador
Material Symbols: Culture and Economy in Prehistory
Inka Administration of the Far South Coast of Peru
A Ceramic Perspective on the Formative to Classic Transition in Southern Veracruz, Mexico
Flaked Stone and Social Interaction in the Casas Grandes Region, Chihuahua, Mexico
A Classic Maya House-Lot Drainage System in Northwestern Belize
Scale and Complexity in Archaic States
Archaic States
Technology “as a Fully Human Experience”: Metallurgical Origins and Development in West Mexico
The Sounds and Colors of Power: The Sacred Metallurgical Technology of Ancient West Mexico
Early America Revisited
Chiefdoms and Chieftaincy in the Americas
Women in Ancient America
Latin American Art: Ancient to Modern
Pacific Latin America in Prehistory: The Evolution of Archaic and Formative Cultures
Codex Chimalpahin, vols. 1 and 2
Arqueología de la Costa de Oaxaca: Asentamientos del Periodo Formativo en el Valle del Río Verde Inferior
Maya Art and Architecture
Function and Meaning in Classic Maya Architecture
El Clásico Medio en el Noroccidente de Yucatán. La fase Oxkintok Regional en Oxkintok (Yucatán) como paradigma
The Casas Grandes World
The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property: Whose Culture? Whose Property?
Studies in Culture Contact: Interaction, Culture Change, and Archaeology
A Dictionary of the Maya Language as Spoken in Hocaba, Yucatan
Food, Gender, and Poverty in the Ecuadorian Andes
Blue Lakes and Silver Cities: The Colonial Arts and Architecture of West Mexico
Zapotec Weavers of Teotitlan
Assembling the Past: Studies in the Professionalization of Archaeology
Archaeologies of Landscape: Contemporary Perspectives
Plants, People, and Culture in the Prehistoric Central Bahamas: A View from the Three Dog Site, An Early Lucayan Settlement on San Salvador Island, Bahamas
Archaeofaunal Accumulation, Fragmented Forests, and Anthropogenic Landscape Mosaics in the Tropical Lowlands of Prehispanic Ecuador
Locating the Quispisisa Obsidian Source in the Department of Ayacucho, Peru
Determining the Geological Provenance of Obsidian Artifacts from the Maya Region: A Test of the Efficacy of Visual Sourcing
The Barricade and Abandonment of Chunchucmil: Implications for Northern Maya Warfare
Round Structures, Household Identity, and Public Performance in Preclassic Maya Society
Pachacamac durant l’intermédiaire recent: Étude d’un site monumental préhispanique de la Côte du Peru
Early Scholars’ Visits to Central America: Reports by Karl Sapper, Walter Lehman, and Franz Termer
Social Patterns in Pre-Classic Mesoamerica: A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 9 and 10 October 1993
The Tenochca Empire of Ancient Mexico: The Triple Alliance of Tenochtitlan, Tetzcoco, and Tlacopan
City of Sacrifice: The Aztec Empire and the Role of Violence in Civilization
Eating Landscapes: Aztec and European Occupation of Tlalocan
A Favored Place: San Juan River Wetlands, Central Veracruz, A.D. 500 to the Present
Bones, Boats, and Bison: Archeology and the First Colonization of Western North America
Empire of Sand: The Seri Indians and the Struggle for Spanish Sonora, 1645-1803
The Native Leisure Class: Consumption and Cultural Creativity in the Andes
Inka Bodies and the Body of Christ: Corpus Christi in Colonial Cuzco, Peru
The Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica: A ReaderA Grammar of Misantla Totonac
From Discard to Divination: Demarcating the Sacred Through the Collection and Curation of Discarded Objects
Exotic Goods and Everyday Chiefs: Long-Distance Exchange and Indigenous Sociopolitical Development in the South Central Andes
The Body Context: Interpreting Early Nasca Decapitated Burials
Wari Ritual Power at Conchopata: An Interpretation of Anadenanthera colubrina Iconography
Astronomical Alignments at Teotihuacan
Ancient Maya Chronicles and Modern Academic Positioning
The Lost Chronicles of the Maya Kings
Stories in Red and Black: Pictorial Histories of the Aztec and Mixtec
Xipe Totec, Notre Seigneur l’Écorché: Étude Glyphique d’un Dieu Aztèque
El Códice de Tepoztlan: Imagen de un pueblo resistente, by Gordon Brotherston; Mexican Codices and Archeology (special issue), and Footprints through Time: Mexican Pictorial Manuscripts at the Lilly Library
Historiography of the Bènizàa: The Postclassic and Early Colonial Periods (1000-600 A.D.)
The Book of Chilam Balam of Na: Facsimile, Translation, and Edited Text
Star Gods of the Maya: Astronomy in Art, Folklore, and Calendars
Venus, lluvia y maíz: Simbolismo y astronomía en la cosmovisión mesoamericana
Pulltrouser Swamp, A Lowland Maya Community Cluster in Northern Belize: The Settlement Maps
The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume II, Mesoamerica, part 2
Inca Myths
Sed Non Satiata: Teoría Social en la Arqueología Latinoamericana Contemporánea
Complex Polities in the Ancient Tropical World
Human Impact on Ancient Environments
The Aztecs
Aztec Ceremonial Landscapes
Excavaciones en la Catedral y el Sagrario Metropolitanos: Programa de arqueología urbana
The Xilixana Yanomami of the Amazon: History, Social Structure, and Population Dynamics
Beginnings of Village Life in Eastern Mesoamerica
Volcanism, Ecology, and Culture: A Reassessment of the Volcán Ilopango TBJ Eruption in the Southern Maya Realm
Majolica in the Early Colonial Andes: The Role of Panamanian Wares
El desarrollo cultural en el valle de Azapa, extremo norte de Chile y suvinculación con los desplazamientos poblacionales altiplánicos
Cerro Baúl: A Wari Center on the Tiwanaku Frontier
Genetic Evidence and the Origin of Maize
Validity of AMS Dates on Maize from the Tehuacán Valley: A Comment on MacNeish And Eubanks
An Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Origin of Maize
A Response to Long’s Radiocarbon Determinations That Attempt to Put Acceptable Chronology on the Fritz
Climatic Change and the Classic Maya Collapse: The Return of Catastrophism
Tropical Frontiers
The Curassow’s Crest: Myths and Symbols in the Ceramics of Ancient Panama
Crafts, Capitalism, and Women: The Potters of La Chamba, Colombia
The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume II, Mesoamerica, part 1
Living With the Ancestors: Kinship and Kingship in Ancient Maya Society
Reconstructing Ancient Maya Diet
Cerámica de la fase Xoo (Epoca Monte Albán IIIB-IV) del Valle de Oaxaca
Anales de Tlatelolco: Los manuscritos 22 y 22bis de la Bibliothèque de France
Sociocultural Evolution: Calculation and Contingency
Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and Central America
Sacred Monkey River: A Canoe Trip with the Gods
Itzaj Maya Grammar
A Calendrical and Demographic Tomb Text from Northern Peru
Paleoecological Evidence of an Early Postclassic Occupation in the Southwestern Maya Lowlands: Laguna Las Pozas, Guatemala
Alfarería temprana en sitios de cazadores—recolectores de la región pampeana (Argentina)
The Chronology of Conquest: Implications of New Radiocarbon Analyses from the Cañada de Cuicatlán, Oaxaca
La deformación artificial en el período Arcáico de Arica
Voices from the Aztec Periphery
Ancient Economy and Alternative Approaches to Stone Tools at Copán, Honduras
Between the Lines: The Mystery of the Giant Ground Drawings of Ancient Nasca, Peru
Ceramic Production and Distribution in the Chavín Sphere of Influence (North-Central Andes)
Historical Dictionary of Ancient Mesoamerica
Tepetitlán: Un espacio doméstico rural en el área de Tula / A Rural Household in the Toltec HeartlandEl Chagüite, Jalapa: El Período Formativo en el Oriente de Guatemala
Archaeological Investigation at the Site of El Inga, Ecuador
Beyond Cloth and Cordage: Archaeological Textile Research in the Americas
Estudios mexicas
Las estructuras tumulares (cerritos) del litoral atlántico uruquayo
Household and Family at Moche, Peru: An Analysis of Building and Residence Patterns in a Prehispanic Urban Center
Expedient Shell Tools from the Northern West Indies
Presencia de mayólicas panameñas en el mundo colonial: algunas consideraciones acerca de su distribución y cronología
The Continuing Quest for El Dorado: Round Two – Betty J. Meggers
In Quest of Prehistoric Amazonia
Of Lost Civilization and Primitive Tribes, Amazonia: A Reply to Meggers
Teotihuacan and the Development of Postclassic Mesoamerica
Reading Inca History
The First South Americans: The Peopling of a Continent from the Earliest Evidence to High Culture
Lost Shores, Forgotten Peoples: Spanish Explorations of the South East Maya Lowlands
Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encylopedia
Relación de la Nueva España
Relación de las dos entradas que hice a la conversión de los gentiles ytzáx, y cehaches
Mayas del Puuc: Arqueología de la región de Xculuc, Campeche
Land of the Turkey and the Deer: Recent Research in Yucatan
Archaeology in Latin America
Awatimarka: The Ethnoarchaeology of an Andean Herding Community
Imperfect Balance: Landscape Transformations in the Precolumbian Americas
Returning to the Source: Social Archaeology as Latin American Philosophy
Social Complexity and Food Systems at Altun Ha, Belize: The Isotopic Evidence
Systemic Constraints on Tool Design, Manufacture, and Selection Strategies in a Transhumant Agro-Pastoral Context
Late Paleo-Indian Coastal Foragers: Specialized Extractive Behavior at Quebrada Tacahuay, Peru
Ancient Maya Defensive Barricades, Warfare, and Site Abandonment
Beyond Kinship: Social and Material Reproduction in House Societies
In the Realm of Nachan Kan: Postclassic Maya Archaeology at Laguna de On, Belize
Social Integration in the Ancient Maya Hinterlands: Ceramic Variability in the Belize River Area
Time, History and Belief in Aztec and Colonial Mexico
Max Uhle (1856-1944): Pläne archäologischer Stätten im Andengebeit. Planos de sitios arqueológicos en el área andina
Ancient Kings of Peru: The Reliability of the Chronicle of Fernando de Montesinos: Correlating the Dynasty Lists With Current Prehistoric Periodization in the Andes.
Along the Inca Road: A Woman’s Journey into an Ancient Empire
The Symbolism in the Plastic and Pictorial Representations of Ancient Mexico: A Symposium of the 46th International Congress of Americanists, Amsterdam 1988
History of the Triumphs of Our Hold Faith Amongst the Most Barbarous and Fierce Peoples of the New World
Flora of the Gran Desierto and Río Colorado of Northwestern Mexico
Food Plants of the Sonoran Desert
Handbook of Rock Art Research
Imperial and Social Relations in Postclassic South-Central Veracruz
Out of Many, One: Style and Social Boundaries in Tiwanaku
An Early Classic Colonnaded Building at the Maya Site of Blue Creek, Belize
A Preliminary Study of Preclassic Maya Spouted Vessels
Description and History of Exploitation of the Alca Obsidian Source, Peru
The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III, South America, part 2
Precolumbian Gold: Technology, Style, and Iconography
Formativo Sudamericano, una revaluación: Ponencias presentadas en el Simposio Internacional de Arqueología Sudamericana, Cuenca-Ecuador, 13-17 de enero de 1992: Homenaje a Alberto Rex González y Betty J. Meggers
Ethnoarchaeology of Andean South America: Contributions to Archaeological Method and Theory
Place of the Lord’s Daughter: Rab’inal, Its History, Its Dance-Drama
Les au-delàs aztèquesm
Moqueries et métamorphoses d’un dieu aztèque: Tezcatlipoca, le “Seigneur au miroir fumant,”
Les salines préhispaniques du bassin de Sayula (Occident du Mexique): Milieu et techniques
Unknown Island: Seri Indians, Europeans, and San Esteban Island in the Gulf of California
Power without Bounds? Middle Preclassic Political Developments in the Naco Valley, Honduras
Atalla: A Center on the Periphery of the Chavín Horizon
A Middle Archaic Site on the West Coast of Mexico
Spatial Orders in Maya Civic Plans
Geographic Identities of the Sacrificial Victims from the Feathered Serpent Pyramid, Teotihuacan: Implications for the Nature of State Power
Empires: Perspectives from Archaeology and History
Environmental Disaster and the Archaeology of Human Response
Classic Period Mixtequilla: Diachronic Inferences From Residential Investigations
The Decipherment of Ancient Maya Writing
El sitio Maya de Topoxté: investigaciones en una isla del lago Yaxhá, Petén, Guatemala
Trees of Paradise and Pillars of the World: The Serial Stela Cycle of “18-Rabbit-God K,” King of Copan
Last Rites of the Tipu Maya: Genetic Structuring in a Colonial Cemetery
Greater Mesoamerica: The Archaeology of West and Northwest Mexico
Alcohol in Ancient Mexico
Houses on a Hill: Classic Period Life at El Palmillo, Oaxaca, Mexico
Feasting and Ancestor Veneration at Chinchawas, North Highlands of Ancash, Peru
Domestic and Political Lives of Classic Maya Elites: The Excavation of Rapidly Abandoned Structures at Aguateca, Guatemala
Soil Chemical Analysis of Ancient Activities in Cerén, El Salvador: A Case Study of a Rapidly Abandoned Site
The Potential Role of Small Depressions as Water Storage Features in the Central Maya Lowlands
The Protoclassic in the Maya Lowlands
Classic Period Mixtequilla: Diachronic Inferences From Residential Investigations
Estudios cerámicos en el occidente y norte de México
Prehispanic Settlement Patterns in the Upper Mantaro and Tarma Drainages, Junín, Peru. Volume 1, Parts 1 and 2, The Tarama-Chinchaycocha Region
Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata, Volume 4: Vertical Economy, Interchange, and Social Change During the Formative Period / Cacicazgos Prehispánicos del Valle de la Plata, Tomo 4: Economía Vertical, Intercambio, y Cambio Social durante el Período Formativo
Caminos Precolombinos: las vías, los ingenieros y los viajeros
Island Lives: Historical Archaeologies of the Caribbean
Irrigation and the Origins of the Southern Moche State on the North Coast of Peru
Getting Closer to the Source: Using Ethnoarchaeology to Find Ancient Pottery Making in the Naco Valley, Honduras
Left/Right Symbolism and the Body in Ancient Maya Iconography and Culture
Evidence for Early Long-Distance Obsidian Exchange and Watercraft Use from the Southern Lake Titicaca Basin of Bolivia and Peru
Roedores Y Lagartos Como Emergentes De La Diversificacion De La Subsistencia Durante El Holoceno Tardio En Sierras De La Region Pampeana Argentina
Shaping Culture: Making Pots and Constructing Households: An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Pottery Production, Trade and Use in the Andes
History of the Conquest of Mexico and History of the Conquest of Peru
Central America: A Natural and Cultural History
Inka Pottery as Culinary Equipment: Food, Feasting, and Gender in Imperial State Design
Early Formative Pottery from the Tuxtla Mountains and Implications for Gulf Olmec Origins
Local Elites and the Reformation of Late Intermediate Period Sociopolitical and Economic Organization in Nasca, Peru
Indigenous Ware or Spanish Import? The Case of Indígena Ware and Approaches to Power in Colonial Mexico
Intercambio y comercio entre costa, andes y selva: Arqueología y etnohistoria de Suramérica
Fiestas de los pueblos indígenas: ritos aztecas, las fiestas de las veintanas
Guaman Poma y Blas Valera: Tradición Andina e Historia Colonial. Actas del Coloquio Internacional, Instituto Italo-Lationoamericano, Roma, 29-30 de Septiembre de 1999
Guaman Poma and His Illustrated Chronicle from Colonial Peru: From a Century of Scholarship to a New Era of Reading / Guaman Poma y su crónica ilustrada del Perú colonial: un siglo de investigaciones hacia una nueva era de lectura
Andean Worlds: Indigenous History, Culture, and Consciousness under Spanish Rule
Ritual Sacrifice in Ancient Peru
Grammar of the Mexican Language, With an Explanation of its Adverbs (1645), by Horacio Carochi, S.J.; and Nahuatl as Written: Lessons in Older Written Nahuatl, with Copious Examples and Texts
Náyari History, Politics, and Violence: From Flowers to Ash
Feasts: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Food, Politics, and Power
Mesoamerica’s Ancient Cities: Aerial Views of Pre-Columbian Ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras
The Road to Aztlan: Art from a Mythic Homeland
From Leaders to Rulers
Mesoamerica’s Ancient Cities: Aerial Views of Pre-Columbian Ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras
The Last Saltmakers of Nexquipayac, Mexico: An Archaeological Ethnography
Encyclopedia of Prehistory Middle America
Reconstruyendo la ciudad maya: el urbanismo en las sociedades antiguas
Animals and Plants of the Ancient Maya: A Guide
Casas Grandes and Its Hinterland: Prehistoric Regional Organization in Northwest Mexico
The Sport and Life and Death: The Mesoamerican Ballgame
Ancient Maya Women
The Articulated Peasant: Household Economies in the Andes
Lines in the Water. Nature and Culture at Lake Titicaca
The Theoretical Landscape and the Methodological Development of Archaeology in Latin America
La Orientación Este De Los Entierros Aborígenes En Cuevas De Cuba: Remate De Una Fábula
Maya Calendar Reform? Evidence from Orientations of Specialized Architectural Assemblages
Sak Tz’i’, a Classic Maya Center: A Locational Model Based on GIS and Epigraphy
Geologic Water Storage In Precolumbian Peru
Caves and Ancient Maya Ritual Use of Jute
Can We Read Cosmology in Ancient Maya City Plans? Comment on Ashmore and Sabloff
Interpreting Ancient Maya Civic Plans: Reply to Smith
War and Society in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds: Asia, the Mediterranean, Europe, and Mesoamerica
Theaters of Conversion: Religious Architecture and Indian Artisans in Colonial Mexico
Mesoamerican Healers
From Stewards to Bureaucrats: Architecture and Information Flow at Chan Chan, Peru
Late Classic Maya Water Management and Community Organization At Copan, Honduras
Source Attribution and the Utilization of Obsidian in the Maya Area
First Report of a Newly Discovered Paleoindian Quarry Site on The Isthmus Of Panama
Comments on the Mainland Origins of the Preceramic Cultures of the Greater Antilles
Chenopodium Cultivation and Formative Period Agriculture at Chiripa, Bolivia
Stories in Red and Black: Pictorial Histories of the Aztec and Mixtec
Zapotec Science: Farming and Food in the Northern Sierra of Oaxaca
The First Americans: The Pleistocene Colonization of the New World. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences no. 27, Wattis Symposium Series in Anthropology
Les salines prehispaniques du bassin de Sayula (occident du Mexique): Milieu et techniques
Mayan Glyphs for Aficionados and Aspiring Epigraphers Reading the Maya Glyphs, by Michael D. Coe and Mark Van Stone; How to Read Maya Hieroglyphs, by John Montgomery; and A Thematic Bibliography of Ancient Maya Writing
Handbook of Mesoamerican Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs of Mexico and Central America
Nohoch Ek Revisited: The Minor Center as Manor
Coexistencia de Cazadores Recolectores y Horticultores Tempranos en la Cordillera Andina de Chile Central
The Exemplary Center of the Late Postclassic Kowoj Maya
Water, Huacas, and Ancestor Worship: Traces of a Sacred Wari Lands
Guardian of the Acropolis: The Sacred Space of a Royal Burial at Piedras Negras, Guatemala
The Organization of Staple Crop Production at K’axob, Belize
The Aztec Templo Mayor: A Visualization
Hinterland Households: Rural Agrarian Household Diversity in Northwest Honduras
Salt: White Gold of the Ancient Maya
El Héroe entre el Mito y la Historia
In the Realm of Nachan Kam: Postclassic Maya Archaeology at Laguna de On, Belize
Maya Palaces and Elite Residences: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Archaeology at La Isabela: America’s First European Town, by Kathleen Deagan and José María Cruxent; and Columbus’s Outpost among the Taíno: Spain and America at La Isabela, 1493-1498
Teotihuacan: Ceramics, Chronology and Cultural Trends
Mortuary Preferences: A Wari Culture Case Study from Middle Horizon Peru
Monte Negro and the Urban Revolution in Oaxaca, Mexico
Households, Crafts, and Feasting in the Ancient Andes: The Village Context of Early Nasca Craft Consumption
Patrón funerario arcaico temprano del sitio Acha-3 y su relación con Chinchorro: cazadores, pescadores, y recolectores de la costa norte de Chile
Daily Life of the Aztecs
Latin American Thought: Philosophical Problems and Arguments
Zapotec Hieroglyphic Writing
Cultivated Landscapes of Middle America on the Eve of the Conquest
Cultivated Landscapes of Native America and the Andes
The Flow of Power: Ancient Water Systems and Landscapes
Evaluation of Systematic Surface Evidence for Pottery Production in Veracruz, Mexico
The “Invisible” Maya: Minimally Mounded Residential Settlement at Itzán, Petén, Guatemala
Immigration, Assimilation and Status in the Ancient City of Teotihuacan: Stable Isotopic Evidence from Tlajinga 33
Prehistoric Salt Production at El Salado, Veracruz, Mexico
Preclassic Obsidian Procurement and Utilization at the Maya Site of Colha, Belize
The Sola Valley and the Monte Albán State: A Study of Zapotec Imperial Expansion
Settlement Archaeology and Political Economy at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico
The Postclassic Mesoamerican World
Tropical Forest Archaeology in Western Pichincha, Ecuador
Opportunities for Advancement: Intra-Community Power Contests in the Midst of Political Decentralization in Terminal Classic Southeastern Mesoamerica
Lord 8 Deer “Jaguar Claw” and the Land of the Sky: The Archaeology and History of Tututepec
The Chimú Sculptures of Huacas Tacaynamo and El Dragon, Moche Valley, Peru
Architecture and Polity in the Formative Lake Titicaca Basin, Bolivia
Ceramic Diversity in Chavín de Huantar, Peru
Encyclopedia of Prehistory
The Caste War of Yucatán
The Manipulation of Human Remains in Moche Society: Delayed Burials, Grave Reopening, and Secondary Offerings of Human Bones on the Peruvian North Coast
The Southeastern Inka Frontier against the Chiriguanos: Structure and Dynamics of the Inka Imperial Borderlands
Evidence for Long-Distance Transportation of Building Stones in the Inka Empire, from Cuzco, Peru to Saraguro, Ecuador
A Late Monte Albán I Phase (300-100 B.C.) Palace In The Valley Of Oaxaca
Heterarchy, Political Economy, and the Ancient Maya
The Artifacts of Tikal: Utilitarian Artifacts and Unworked Material
Visions of a Huichol Shaman
Art and Archaeology of Pre-Columbian Cuba
Heart of Creation: The Mesoamerican World and the Legacy of Linda ScheleIncidents of Archaeology in Central America and Yucatan: Essays in Honor of Edwin M. Shook
A Scattering of Jades: Stories, Poems, and Prayers of the Aztecs
Portable Personal Possessions (Artifacts of the Spanish Colonies of Florida and the Caribbean, 1500-1800—Volume 2)
La “vera” visione dei vinti e la conquista del Messico nelle fonti azteche
Ancient Nasca Settlement and Society
Tikal: An Illustrated History of the Ancient Maya Capital
Modern Society Archaeology in South America: Material Culture, Discourses and Practices
States and Households: The Social Organization of Terrace Agriculture in Postclassic Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico
Specialized Production of San Martín Orange Ware at Teotihuacan, Mexico
Methodological Issues in the Provenance Investigation of Early Formative Mesoamerican Ceramics
Elemental Analysis of Alkalis and Dental Deposits Associated with Coca Chewing In Ecuador
On The Logic of Archaeological Inference: Early Formative Pottery and the Evolution of Mesoamerican Societies
Smokescreens in the Provenance Investigation Of Early Formative Mesoamerican Ceramics
Architecture, Caching, and Foreign Contacts at Chac (II), Yucatan, Mexico
Socioeconomic Inequality and the Consumption of Chipped Stone at El Palmillo, Oaxaca, Mexico
The Politics of Community and Inka Statecraft in the Colca Valley, Peru
Preceramic Occupations in Belize: Updating the Paleoindian and Archaic Record
An Ancient Maya Dock and Dam at Blue Creek, Rio Hondo, Belize
The Pampa de Chaparrí: Water, Land, and Politics on the North Coast of Peru
Understanding Middle Horizon Peru: Hermeneutic Spirals, Interpretative Traditions, and Wari Administrative Centers
Early Maya Adaptive Patterns: Mid–Late Holocene Paleoenvironmental Evidence from Pacific Guatemala
Long-Term Trends in Prehistoric Fishing and Hunting on Tobago, West Indies
A Preliminary Geoarchaeological Investigation of Ground Stone Tools in and Around the Maya Mountains, Toledo District, Belize
Signs of the Inka Khipu: Binary Coding in the Andean Knotted-String Records
Plants of the Peten Itza’ Maya: Plantas de los may itza’ del Peten
Early Earthquakes of the Americas
Aztec Teotihuacán: Political Processes at a Postclassic and Early Colonial City-State in the Basin Of Mexico, A.D. 1200–1650
A Critical Approach to 14C Dating in the Caribbean: Using Chronometric Hygiene to Evaluate Chronological Control and Prehistoric Settlement
A Frontier Perspective on Paracas Society and Nasca Ethnogenesis
El Templete Tulán de la Puna de Atacama: Emergencia de Complejidad Ritual Durante el Formativo Temprano (Norte de Chile)
Chronology, Subsistence, and the Earliest Formative of Central Tlaxcala, Mexico
Procedures in Human Heart Extraction and Ritual Meaning: A Taphonomic Assessment of Anthropogenic Marks in Classic Maya Skeletons
Montículos de la Cuenca de la Laguna Merín Tiempo, Espacio y Sociedad
Compositional and Stylistic Analysis of Aztec-Era Ceramics: Provincial Strategies at the Edge of Empire, South-Central Veracruz, Mexico
El Bosque Domesticado, el Bosque Cultivado: Un Proceso Milenario en el Valle Medio del Río Porce en el Noroccidente Colombiano
Ceramic Production and Exchange in Late/Terminal Formative Period Oaxaca
3,000 Years of Occupation in Upper Valley Nasca: Excavations at Upanca
The Linguistics of Maya Writing, edited by Søren Wichmann; How to Read Maya Hieroglyphs, by John Montgomery; and Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, vol. 8, part 1
Continuities and Changes in Maya Archaeology: Perspectives at the Millennium, edited by Charles W. Golden and Greg Borgestede
In the Maw of the Earth Monster: Mesoamerican Ritual Cave UseThe Tutu Archaeological Village Site: A Multidisciplinary Case Study in Human Adaptation
Bienes estratégicos del antiguo occidente de México: Producción e Intercambio
Elite Artists and Craft Producers in Classic Maya Society: Lithic Evidence From Aguateca, Guatemala
Formative and Classic Period Obsidian Procurement in Central Mexico: A Compositional Study Using Laser Ablation–Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry
Sourcing the Palygorskite Used in Maya Blue: A Pilot Study Comparing the Results of Inaa and La-Icp-Ms
Inter-Regional and Intra-Regional Scale Compositional Variability in Pottery from South-Central Veracruz, Mexico
Bioarchaeological Evidence for Social and Temporal Differences in Diet at Piedras Negras, Guatemala
Noble Savages Versus Savage Nobles: Gibson’s Apocalyptic View of the Maya. Review of Apocalypto
Continuity and Change in Text and Image at Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, Mexico: A Study of the Inscriptions, Iconography, and Architecture at a Late Classic to Early Postclassic Maya Site
Historias Del Desierto: Arqueología Del Norte De Chile
Greater Mesoamerica: The Archaeology of West and Northwest Mexico
Surveying the Archaeology of Northwest Mexico
Hilltop Terrace Sites of Oaxaca, Mexico: Intensive Surface Survey at Guirún, El Palmillo and the Mitla Fortress
Understanding Early Classic Copan
Andean Diaspora: The Tiwanaku Colonies and the Origins of South American Empire
Tafonomía Regional y Estudios Arqueofaunísticos de Cetáceos en Tierra del Fuego y Patagonia Meridional
In The Aftermath of Teotihuacan: Epiclassic Pottery Production and Distribution in the Teotihuacan Valley, Mexico
Ancient DNA and Genetic Continuity in the South Central Andes
Diversity Specialists: Coastal Resource Management and Historical Contingency in the Osmore Desert of Southern Peru
Multiple Classifications: An Alternative Approach to the Investigation of Maya Ceramics
Defensibility and Settlement Patterns in the Guatemalan Maya Highlands
A Paleoecological Record from a Late Classic Maya Reservoir in the North Petén
Lightning Warrior: Maya Art and Kingship at Quirigua
Ancient Maya: The Rise and Fall of a Rainforest Civilization
Representing Aztec Ritual: Performance, Text, and Image in the Work of Sahagún
Las Sociedades Prehispánicas de la Sierra Norte del Ecuador: Una aproximación arqueológica y antropológica
Conquered Conquistadors, The Lienzo de Quauhquechollan: A Nahua Vision of the Conquest of Guatemala
Copán: The History of an Ancient Maya KingdomUnconquered Lacandon Maya: Ethnohistory and Archaeology of Indigenous Culture Change
Quintana Roo Archaeology
Early Inhabitants of the Amazonian Tropical Rain Forest: A Study of Humans and Environmental Dynamics
Dialogues in Cuban Archaeology
Island Rhythms: The Web of Social Relationships and Interaction Networks in the Lesser Antillean Archipelago between 400 B.C. and A.D. 1492
Warriors, Nobles, Commoners and Beasts: Figurines from Elite Buildings at Aguateca, Guatemala
The Missing Heir at Yaxchilán: Literary Analysis of a Maya Historical Puzzle
A Microscopic View of Ceramic Production: An Analysis of Thin-Sections from Monte Alban
A Prehispanic (Postclassic) Capital Center in Colonial Transition: Excavations at Yucundaa Pueblo Viejo de Teposcolula, Oaxaca, Mexico
Ancient Borinquen: Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Native Puerto Rico
Guangala Fishers and Farmers: A Case Study of Animal Use at El Azúcar, Southwestern Ecuador [Pescadores y Agricultores Guangala: Un Estudio de Caso de Uso Animal en El Azúcar, Suroeste de Ecuador]
Tipon: Water Engineering Masterpiece of the Inca Empire
The Maya
Piedras Negras Archaeology, 1931-1939
In Search of an Ancient Maya Market
Ancient Settlement, Urban Gardening, and Environment in the Gulf Lowlands of Mexico
Classic Maya Temples, Politics, and the Voice of the People
Sources of Imported Obsidian at Postclassic Sites in the Yautepec Valley, Morelos: a Characterization Study Using XRF and INAA
Sometimes a “Stove” Is “Just A Stove”: A Context-Based Reconsideration of Three-Prong “Incense Burners” From The Western Belize Valley
Coastal Collectors in the Holocene, the Chantuto People of Southwest Mexico
Cultural Landscapes in the Ancient Andes: Archaeologies of Place
Postclassic Soconusco Society: The Late Prehistory of the Coast of Chiapas, Mexico
Moche Art and Archaeology in Ancient Peru
The Maya
Tiwanaku Influence In The South Central Andes: Strontium Isotope Analysis And Middle Horizon Migration
El Maíz (Zea Mays) En El Mundo Prehispánico De Chile Central
The Pre-Arawak Pottery Horizon In The Antilles: A New Approximation
Domestic Practice In Postclassic Santa Isabel, Nicaragua
Stingray Spine Use And Maya Bloodletting Rituals: A Cautionary Tale
Intermediate Elites in Pre-Columbian States and Empires
The Postclassic to Spanish-Era Transition in Mesoamerica: Archaeological Perspectives
Janaab’ Pakal of Palenque: Reconstructing the Life and Death of a Maya Ruler
Stone Houses and Earth Lords: Maya Religion in the Cave Context
Piedras Negras Archaeology, 1931-1939
Mortuary Practices and Human Sacrifice in the Middle Chao Valley of Peru: Their Interpretation in the Context of Andean Mortuary Patterning
Reassessing San Estevan’s Role in the Late Formative Political Geography of Northern Belize
Varianza Ambiental y Estabilidad del Desarrollo en la Población Prehispánica de las Pirguas (Salta, Argentina)
Strontium Isotopes and the Study of Human Mobility in Ancient Mesoamerica
At the Crossroads: Starch Grain and Phytolith Analyses in Lucayan Prehistory
Techniques of Ancient Maya Bone Working: Evidence from a Classic Maya Deposit
The Type:Variety-Mode System: Doomed to Success
Garbage of the Gods? Squatters, Refuse Disposal, and Termination Rituals among the Ancient Maya
Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan: Divergent Political Trajectories in Adjacent Maya Polities
Time, Power, and the Maya
Labor, Population Movement, and Food in Sixteenth-Century Ek Balam, Yucatán
Comentario Sobre “Montlculos de la Cuenca de la Laguna Merín: Tiempo, Espacio, y Sociedad”
Un Aporte Crítico a Partir de “Comentarios Sobre Montículos de la Cuenca de la Laguna Merín: Tiempo, Espacio Y Sociedad”
War, Chronology, and Causality in the Titicaca Basin
Human Sacrifice at Pachacamac
Hydraulics, Cacao, and Complex Developments at Preclassic Chocolá, Guatemala: Evidence And Implications
Corporate Power Strategies in the Late Formative to Early Classic Tequila Valleys of Central Jalisco
The Economy of Supply: Modeling Obsidian Procurement and Craft Provisioning at a Central Mexican Urban Center
Spearthrower Owl Hill: A Toponym at Atetelco, Teotihuacan
The Geoglyphs of Palpa, Peru: Documentation Analysis, and Interpretation
Lifeways in the Northern Maya Lowlands
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